Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Etsy Fans and bloggers,
Well Thanksgiving went off with a bang, was cooking all day and the feast was finally pulled off.  Had a little glitch with my oven, bird wasn't done on time, I almost had a melt down but at last no one went away hungry.  I tried to pan roast of the turkey by cutting it in half and stuffing herbs like rosemary, sage and tarragon under the skin. It was moist and delicious it was just the recipe's cooking time was off or my oven was to the fritz. I think I will try it again except next time I won't have a bunch of hungry guests waiting for it!!!
Today is Black Friday  and this is supposed to be the beginning of the holiday sale season for Etsy.
So don't let me down Etsy fans and start buying!!

Here are a few items soon to be listed and Bec has made more remix. So stop by the shop.



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