Our Scarf will be used as a Prop in a Play!!

This is exciting- Our mint green, Irish Lassie scarf will be used as a prop in a play. We have had other items purchased from us, such as a Chrome Martini Shaker used by Olympia Dukakis in a Tennessee Williams play. We are thrilled with the prospect.

This item was a "Pay It Forward" listing which means we marked it down to a rock bottom price and put the word out to our customer to "pay it forward" - go forth and do a good deed. We think it is good Karma to do this sometimes. Our item gets moving that has been stagnant and good cheer and joy is spread into the world.

Here is what the customer wrote to us:

"Yes, this is going to be used in our March 18-27 Riverside Youth Theatre (www.RiversideYouthTheatre.org) production of The Wizard of Oz. One of our Ozians in Emerald City will be wearing this green scarf. Thank you for offering it!

This is my first "Pay it Forward" purchase. Can't wait to review my Etsy items online today to see which I choose to "Pay it Forward."

We can't wait to go the the Theatre's website and learn about the up coming production.


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