Fun Trade Show Experience

The Vintage Bazaar sale and pop up Flea Market in June was quite an experience.  I had never participated in a trade show with so many fabulous vendors.  Despite the heat, the Aragon Ballroom venue was a good choice, although I was envious of the inside booths and their air conditioning!  I wanted to pass on these photos that my partner, Delia, from AmeliaBedelia sent to me.
Here I am in the back of our booth, notice Delia's side is organized and in beautiful pastels and my side is more flea market!

I brought tons of mid century modern items and my typewriters were a hit.

Our newest REMIX item is the mirror- Made from old barn and fence wood for that nice driftwood, beachy appearance.
Typewriters and cameras were a draw into our booth.  I will have to remember- next time to put a backdrop -to block out my "neighbor" so it does not look so BUSY !

Here I am with my buddy, Pam, she graciously agreed to help me!  Bec's quilt looks pretty good hanging up in the background.  Her bird mobiles were a popular item!
Bec 's Bird Mobile made from vintage fabric, stuffed birds, twigs and jute cord.

 We hope to see you at our next sale and don't forget to visit us on Etsy!
Happy Fourth of July and try to stay cool- Chicago is in a heat wave.


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