Chair Projects

I like to reupholster single chairs if they have interesting backs. I think the back adds to the design. If you pick the right fabric it can enhance the over all look.  Here is an example of picking the fabric for the style of chair.
Vintage bark cloth fabric with hunting motif
 I think this chair being walnut and from the 40's would look silly covered in modern fabric, it just wouldn't fit the era of the chair. The dark colors and vivid green compliment the herringbone, wood diagonals on the back.

I have another example to show you. This chair was a score, found in the garbage and is probably from the 1950's.  It has the same style as- Navy chairs (ladder back, sturdy aluminum). 
The fabric I picked was actually from an old apron. I notice it has Miller High Life beer on it. I guess that was the beer of choice in the 50's.
 I choose this fabric because of the fifty's vibe, a picnic scene.
When is the last time you saw ties being worn at a picnic?

Sturdy ladder back chair

Note the piping around the edge

I don't know if you can tell from the photo but I saved the original vinyl piping and reused it.  I think it was needed to make the look sleek and look like professional quality reupholstering.  If I do say so myself!!

There is something about blond wood furniture that screams FIFTY'S.

Catch you again in a few and I'll show you my next project. Blessings Babs


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