5 inexpensive ways to refresh your bedroom

I recently was working on a project to freshen up my bedroom.  The hubby never cares what I do so I decided to move all the furniture around. I have a rather long narrow room with many windows.
I decide to create a mood:  I was going for a 1950s Tiki vibe, Hawaiian tropic sort of motif. 
Vintage Bark cloth in Hawaiian theme framed in hoops and wooden frames. This fabric usually has a scene woven in.  Our grandmothers had draperies made out of Bark cloth.  Some vintage fabric has threads of fiberglass which was a new innovation in the 50.

Use your collections to enhance a space. My groovy wooden bowls are teak, monk wood and cherry wood. Each are hand turned on a lathe and I consider them works of art.

1. Use your collections to freshen things up.
 I collect vintage fabric called Bark cloth.  You know you have seen this type of fabric.  It is made out of natural fibers and dates from the 1950s. Your Grandmother's drapes were probably made out of this fabric.   I particularly like Hawaiian themed motif. So here I framed my precious fabric inside  embroidery hoops and wooden frames.  This fabric usually has a scene on it or flowers are very common also.

2. Find ways to display and organize your accessories.

Old display shelf originally for spools of thread now organizes my earrings.

Walnut two tier cupcake tower, circa 1950s, originally for food, now used for bracelets.
In the above photos you will notice I have my earrings displayed on a vintage plaque/easel for spools of thread. I also re-purposed a vintage two tier cupcake stand/candy dish.  This one is made of solid walnut and houses all my bracelets/costume jewelry.

3.  Use what you have and what your love in a new way- Recycle, Re-Purpose, Refurbish.

Family heirlooms, antiques, refurbished and reupholstered furniture. Notice more wooden bowls hold make up and hair products. An old dresser or a secretary desk can become a vanity. Display your baskets, candles, jewelry etc.
Here is a vintage small dresser/desk that was antiqued in the 1970s. I love it because it a pull out shelf on the top.(See the little knob in the middle)  I use this as my vanity to put on my make-up.  The chair was a find out of the garbage.  It also is made out of solid walnut and I reupholstered it in more Bark cloth fabric. 
As I look at these photos I realize everything is green!!  I guess that is one of my favorite colors!

4. Feel free to use your TALENTS- sew, paint, design, wallpaper etc.

I made the pillow in the foreground out of my precious fabric.  Are you feeling the Hawaiian theme?? ALOHA!!

I made this to hang my many necklaces. It is fabric stretched over a picture frame.  The hooks are drapery hooks and work very nicely.
5. There are no rules! It your own bedroom- Who is going to see it everyday???- YOU- so do what makes you happy.
More framed Bark cloth.  It might not be for everyone but I like it and I am the one who looks at it everyday!!  Blessings to you, Babs


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